3.5 stars out of 5
Just what convinced Eddie Murphy that his fame and fortune lay in movies directed at children I do not know. He has a lot of talent, but a fair amount lies in his physical humor, which the kids eat up. I was looking for a movie to watch with Jeffrey on the plane, and this one suited the bill perfectly. The story is about an alien race whose spaceship is modeled after a full size human being comes to earth to retrieve a lost asteroid. The first half of the movie is tailor made for 6-year olds and Jeffrey giggled hysterically.
The second half, which gets more into the plot and the love interest between members of the crew of Dave, drags at times and is not all that great for 6 year olds. It would have been better at 60 minutes, but you can't market movies that short, so they tacked on 30 minutes. Overall, a decent show for young ones, though not terribly good.
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