Friday, August 14, 2009

Forever Strong

5 stars out of 5

Netflix recommended this movie to me, based on previously watched movies. I may have also seen a preview for it on another movie. Anyway, I hadn't heard much about it, but it looked like a decent sports movie, so that was good enough for me.

It is a great movie. It is a lot like Remember the Titans for rugby. Based on a true story (as all the good ones are), it tells the story of the famous Highland rugby team, which reportedly just won their 19th national title in 2009. This movie will help you see why they are so successful.

The story revolves around a guy who plays for his dad down in AZ. He gets into some trouble with the law and for some reason is sent to a juvenile detention center in the Wasatch front. There, he is invited to play on the Highland rugby team (I'm not really sure how high schools can just invite random people in juvy to do this, but whatever). It takes him a while to catch the vision, but he comes out a better person.

Really, it is right up there in my "Rocky" list of great underdog sports movies. If you are not familiar with this genre, it includes Miracle, Cinderella Man, Glory Road, Invincible, The Pistol: Birth of a Legend, Remember the Titans, Rudy, Hoosiers, Strictly Ballroom and Gladiator. It also kind of includes movies like Braveheart, Hurricane and Ghandi.

Highly recommended for all non-kid viewers.

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