Thursday, May 21, 2009

Halfway to Heaven

3 stars out of 5

Halfway to Heaven: the title tells it all: one journalist gets it into his head to climb all the peaks in Colorado that are above 14,000 feet. It's a good goal and he has many adventures on the way. People he hikes with, adventures on the mountain, stories about the different mountains.

It's a fine book, but in the end you kind of wonder why you are reading it. It feels like you are reading a climber's blog. I can see being interested in this book if you lived in Colorado and enjoyed hiking or were just older and interested in hiking generally, but generally I found myself kind of bored. There were a few good tidbits here and there, but it is not really a story as much as many short stories, all about one subject.

1 comment:

kurt said...

If "halfway to heaven" is at 14,000+ feet, then is heaven Mt. Everest?