Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Strength in What Remains

4 stars

This is a two-part book. The first part of the book, which is not in chronological order, tells the story of a medical student from Burundi who is caught up in the racial genocide in Burundi and Rwanda and winds up coming to New York. A large part of the book tells of his story of adjustment in New York. It is really an interesting story.

The second story tells of the author meeting with the subject and revisiting Burundi and Rwanda. This is not as good. The author seems to comment on himself a lot and his observations of Deo (the main character) are predictable.

Overall, I enjoyed the book - from the perspective of both the genocide in Burundi (most accounts are from Rwanda) and the adjustment of life to the US in NYC. Quick, engaging read that will make you appreciate things more.

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