Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year Challenge

I will admit to you that I have an addiction. No, not my college football addiction - I covered that somewhere else. My addiction is to acquiring books. I wish I could say it was to reading books. I do love to read books and I do it often. But my real problem is acquiring books. I acquire them much more quickly than I read them, so I have dozens of books just waiting to be read. Some I have started and tired of. Some I really want to read but just haven't gotten to it yet. I constantly shop for books on, or other bookstores even though I already have plenty of books to read.

So here's my solution for this New Year's Day, 2009. My goal is to read one book every week and attempt, by the end of the year, to have read almost all of the books on my shelves. So look for it here on the Review Blog - one book a week. My first book I finished this year at 12:30 am on January 1 was "All But My Life". 51 more to go. And I will try to restrain myself from getting anymore in the meantime.

The sad thing is that not all of my books were shipped out here. I am sure I have dozens more sitting in boxes in Maryland, waiting for a far distant day (5 years?) to be unpacked and read. Well I will do what I can. Good luck in your 2009 goals!

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